WPS energy incentives

In addition to state and local incentives, WPS offers a number of energy-related incentives to help your business succeed.

  • New and existing business customers that add natural gas or electric load will receive a credit toward the cost of extending services.
  • WPS does not have a reserve capacity charge provision, so there are no additional utility fees associated with business growth.
  • WPS does not charge for transformer capacity necessary to serve new customers.
  • No deposit is required for new customers with adequate financial credit.
  • Standard substation upgrades are socialized across all customers; they are not directly charged to a customer unless it is considered special facilities.
  • WPS provides the option for a utility to own and operate the substation required to operate at sub-transmission and transmission levels. This option allows businesses to convert this cost from a capital expense to an operating expense.
  • You have the option of purchasing NatureWise renewable energy for your business.
  • WPS partners with Focus on Energy, the statewide energy efficiency and renewable resource program, to provide numerous financial incentives for energy conservation measures.

Contact our community and economic development team if you would like help identifying the incentives for which you qualify, and in applying for them.