Pipeline awareness — frequently asked questions

If your question is not answered here, or if you'd like more information, please contact us.

What is the pipeline?
The pipeline is the delivery system through which several million cubic feet of natural gas travel to more than 64 million customers all across The United States. The gas is extracted from the earth, fed into gathering lines, and transmitted through pipes across the nation. The pipeline delivers natural gas to the gate stations of individual utilities, where it gets fed into gas mains, then to homes and businesses in your community via service lines.

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How do I locate a pipeline?
You can locate the pipeline or natural gas facilities in your community in two ways:

  • Maps - Natural gas facilities are located underground in most rural and urban communities. You can access information about operators with pipelines in your area by visiting https://www.npms.phmsa.dot.gov/.
  • Pipeline Markers - WPS has installed above-ground markers to indicate its pipeline locations. However, these markers do not indicate exact location and depth. Call us at 800-450-7260 with specific questions or concerns about the pipeline.

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Can I plant trees or bushes, or place a structure on the pipeline easement?
Unfortunately, you cannot. To maintain our pipelines and protect your safety, we must have clear access to the pipeline right-of-way. The area on either side of the pipeline must be clear of trees, plants, sheds, and other structures.

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What if I need to dig near or around the pipes?
You are required by law to call a 800-450-7260 at least two business days before you dig or excavate. The utilities will then mark underground pipes at your site for free. Once the underground facilities are marked, you must follow established guidelines while digging to prevent striking them.

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How do I know if a pipeline is damaged?
Because natural gas is colorless and odorless, we add an odorant called mercaptan so you can more easily identify a leak. If you observe any of the following signs, contact us immediately:
  • A strong gas odor
  • A blowing or hissing sound from underground natural gas facilities or pipes
  • Dirt blowing into the air or water bubbling
  • Grass, plants, or bushes turning brown over natural gas facilities
  • Fire coming out of the ground.

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